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How To Apply For A Place At Our School

Applying for a place for your child at St. Nicholas Catholic Primary School

The Admissions Authority for our school is The Board of Directors of The St. John Paul II Multi Academy, Sutton Coldfield. Birmingham City Council coordinate the admissions process on behalf of our multi academy. Any parent wishing to apply for a place at our school should first of all read the Admissions Policy for the relevant year (see admissions policies and timetable below).


To make an application, visit Birmingham City Council School Admissions


In addition to completing Birmingham City Council's application form, all parents must complete and return a copy of our school's Supplementary Information Form which can be found by clicking the link below or as an appendix to the Admissions Policy. If your child is Baptised Catholic then you should also provide their Certificate of Catholic Baptism. 


Prospective Parents Information

Please find below a PowerPoint containing information we know parents will find useful, a brief message from our parish Priest Fr. Allen and a Virtual Prospectus video. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the school office.


Virtual Prospectus

Message from Fr. Allen

Information Presentation


Current Admissions Arrangements for September 2024-2025

Applications must be made to Birmingham Local Authority by 15th January.

A Supplementary Information Form must also be submitted to the school by this date.

All parents will be advised of the outcome of the applications on 16th April by the Local Authority on behalf of the school. All the necessary information you should need can be found using the links below.


Admissions Policy 2024/2025

Supplementary Information Form 2024/2025

Parish Boundary Map

Ethnicity Form

Admission Appeals Timetable 2025


In-year applications for 2024-2025

For in-year applications for the current academic year, please refer to the Admissions Policy for 2024-2025.


Admissions Policy 2024/2025

Supplementary Information Form 2024/2025


An application can be made for a place for a child at any time outside the admission round and the child will be admitted where there are available places.  An application should be made to the school via Birmingham City Council’s website by completing the in-year admissions application form through the following link: Birmingham City Council in-year applications .


As a Catholic School, parents will also need to complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) in addition to the standard application form that is submitted to the school. Supplementary Information Forms, along with the full admission arrangements for St. Nicholas school can be obtained from the school website or a hard copy can be provided on request by contacting the St. Nicholas Catholic Primary School office on or 0121 355 2649.


Supplementary Information Forms must be returned directly to the school office as a hard copy or via email to the email address. If a Supplementary Information Form is not submitted directly to the school this may affect the priority given to the application and could affect the likelihood of your child being offered a place.


Completed application forms must be returned to St. Nicholas School Office.


Where there are places available but more applications than places, the published oversubscription criteria, as set out in the admission arrangements for the appropriate academic year, will be applied. The full admissions arrangements can be accessed from or by contacting the school office to request a hard copy. Parents are advised to read the admission arrangements carefully before making their application. If there are no places available, the child will be added to the waiting list and further information relating to this will be included in the letter sent from the school advising you of the outcome of your application. Please see the admission arrangements for more details.


You will be advised of the outcome of your application in writing as soon as possible.  Applicants must be informed of the outcome of their application within 15 school days of its receipt, but the aim is to notify applicants of the outcome of their application within 10 school days of its receipt.


You have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel if your application is unsuccessful.


If you have any questions in relation to in-year admissions, please contact the school office.  You may also wish to discuss in-year applications with the local authority; Birmingham City Council who can be contacted on 0121 303 1888 or .


Future Admissions Arrangements for September 2025-2026 and beyond...

For those parents who are planning ahead, we always publish our agreed Admissions Policy two years in advance of application.


Admissions Policy 2025/2026

Supplementary Information Form 2025/2026

Admission Appeals Timetable 2025


Admissions Policy 2026/2027

Supplementary Information Form 2026/2027



Secondary Transition - Applying for a place at Bishop Walsh School for September 2025

The main feeder school for our Year 6 pupils leaving to go to Secondary School is one of our Academy partners; Bishop Walsh Catholic School. We will support any parent with the application process so please contact the school office for any help required.



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