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Learning Support Links

School subscription services that are providing guidance and resources for children and parents to support remote learning. Some will require a personal username and password which you will receive from your child's class teacher or contacting the school office;


General Teaching & Learning


  • Twinkl - Subscription service used by schools is offering a free premium service for educators, parents and children to use whilst schools are closed—enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS. Worksheets, PowerPoints and interactive games to support all areas of learning.


  • The Oak National Academy - We’re here to support teachers and parents to support their pupils and children. We provide a high-quality plan of video lessons and learning resources. These cover a range of subjects including maths, English, art and languages.


  • BBC Bitesize - Learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers: find videos and audio clips by level, subject and topic.





Phonics and Reading



Mindfulness & Keeping Active




  • Supermovers - BBC interactive videos to support with KS1 and KS1 Maths, Literacy and PSHE and PE learning. Great for times tables—as well as videos that are ‘just for fun’.


  • Newsround - Keeping children up to date with the world around them— creating opportunities to talk about the news with children.








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