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OFSTED & RE Inspection Report

"Pupils enjoy coming to school where they feel safe and well cared for. The school 
values of faith, achievement and happiness are at the heart of school life. Pupils and 
adults model them well."

"There are positive relationships between pupils and staff. Pupils trust staff to help 
them with any problems they have. Adults have high expectations of pupils’ 
behaviour. Pupils respond well to this. They understand the rules and say that adults 
help them with any disagreements they have with friends. Bullying does not happen 
very often and when it does adults deal with it swiftly and effectively."

"Leaders want pupils to achieve as well as they can. They ensure that pupils enjoy 
learning in a broad range of subjects. Pupils learn to keep themselves mentally and 
physically healthy. They are well prepared for their next steps."

"Pupils enjoy the wide opportunities they have. This includes taking part in clubs,
musical performances, and sports competitions. They are proud of their
responsibilities, for example, as a school councillor, as a play leader or as a ‘Mini 
Vinnie’ in the chaplaincy team. Pupils are respectful of religions different from their 
own. They know that people should be treated equally, regardless of their faith or 

"Leaders prioritise safeguarding. They ensure that staff receive regular training and updates. This means that staff are able to quickly identify pupils who may be at risk of harm. Leaders work with a variety of agencies to ensure that pupils and their 
families have the support they need. They ensure that the necessary checks are 
made when recruiting staff."

"Children settle quickly when they join Reception Class. Children are inquisitive and enjoy learning. They behave well and are happy to share, take turns and tidy up 
when they are asked to. Staff work closely with parents before children start and 
during their time in the early years. Many parents praise the work of the school and 
say that their child is happy, safe and achieving well."

"Leaders prioritise pupils’ personal development. They ensure that there are 
meaningful opportunities to learn about British values. Pupils enjoy the trips linked 
to their learning and the opportunities they have for residential visits. They are 
proud of their work to support local and national charities, including, for example,
raising funds for a local hospice."

St. Nicholas Catholic Primary School was inspected by OFSTED on 13th & 14th March 2023

and was judged to be a Good school.  

St. Nicholas Catholic Primary School was inspected by

Diocesan Education Service S48 on 19th March 2019

and was judged to be a Good school.  

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